The French Open, known as Roland-Garros, is one of the world’s most prestigious tennis tournaments. Held at Stade Roland Garros in Paris, this two-week event in late May attracts tennis fans from around the globe, creating a vibrant and unforgettable atmosphere. The tournament’s rich history and intense competition make it a highlight of the sports calendar.
LED Videowall in Paris
For this year’s Roland-Garros, our team provided high-resolution LED videowalls to enhance the viewing experience. Our high-resolution displays ensured that every match detail, from the thrilling rallies to the crucial scores, was visible to all, even from the farthest corners of the stadium.
Why choose us?
Partnering with us means working with a team that understands the technical demands of large-scale events but also values precision and reliability. Additionally, with years of experience in delivering AV services for high-profile events, we are dedicated to providing seamless, immersive experiences that leave a lasting impression. We are committed to providing seamless, immersive experiences that leave a lasting impression.