Trends in the event industry

Current Trends and Safety Measures in the Event Industry

The event industry is always changing. In recent months, however, even more than usual: Coronavirus makes it necessary for everyone. Hygiene concepts and admission controls are making events in limited spaces possible again. If you don’t stay on the ball right from the start, the new challenges can give you a headache. That’s why we inform you about the current trends in the event industry and help you with the implementation if required.

In order for all of us to be able to enjoy events again, we must do everything we can to stem the spread of Covid-19. For this purpose, separate hygiene concepts are developed for each event, in which distance regulations, routing, visitor registration, infection protection, etc. are regulated. Even if the event format is switched to live streaming, a conclusive hygiene concept must be available.

Live Streaming and Hybrid Events

Online events with live streaming, as well as professional video conferences are becoming more and more important for companies and organizers. There are many advantages of conducting the event digitally.

On the one hand, costs for travel and catering for guests are saved and therefore emissions are reduced. As a result, you can reach a large number of customers and prospects around the world without having to take a step outside the door.

On the other hand, you can achieve a higher reach when you run a hybrid event. In this case, some of the guests are live on site at the location. Due to the exclusivity of the limited seats, you can offer the tickets at higher prices.

Since this topic is relatively complex, we have put together new services for you. You can find more information under Live Streaming Consulting and Live Streaming Workshop.

Corona Tests

As a part of the hygiene concept, SARS-CoV-2 tests can be carried out to increase the safety of guests. Meanwhile there are 3 possible variants of testing people for the SARS-CoV-2 virus:

  • The antigen test is performed with a throat swab. Here not the genetic material of the virus is detected, but protein fragments (proteins) of the virus.
  • The most common test is the PCR test and is also performed with a throat swab. The sample will be analysed in an analyser for the genetic material of the virus.
  • In the antibody test, blood is taken from a finger and applied to a test strip. The reaction of the immune system to the virus is recorded. The test is to prove whether the person already had the disease.
    Depending on the test, the result is available after 15 to 60 minutes (PCR test 12 – 48 hours).

Please note that these tests must be performed by a medical person in order to be officially recognized.

Automatic admission controls

The first measure to contain the spread of the virus is a digital entrance control. The devices check with a camera whether a mask is worn and measure the body temperature without contact. If the person is not wearing a mask, the person is asked to put on a mask. If the body temperature is elevated, access is denied.

In order to get an overview of the number of guests on the area, the persons are automatically counted and when leaving the area they are reduced from the total number again. If a defined number of guests has been reached, the device will deny entry until one person has left the area.

Do you need more information? Get in contact with us!